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Mount ideas?

Dread Pirate
Jun 17, 2013
anecorbie on Jun 12, 2015 wrote:
Valkoor, since you already have an account here in P101, it would be no problem to start over there in Wizard101; but I do suggest that you take the test from the "Book of Secrets" at least once. ( it's a kind of personality quiz and it's fun to see what they match you as.)
The brainy assistant is a hunchback toad carrying a glass jar ( with a brain labeled Abbey N. ) I love the reference! Plus the Gypsy Armor is very attractive and there are Darkmoor housing items.
I love the rollerblades, very 'cutting edge'.
LOL, nice one- 'cutting edge', why didn't I think of that!

Book of Secrets you say, hunchback toad, Abbey N., Gypsy Armor.....Darkmoor housing items!!! You just may be twisting my arm the right direction there, Esperanza! Although it scares me a bit to think what the personality quiz matches me as. Oh the possibilities....

Jun 29, 2011
Blighted Yaxche (Boss from Wizard101; Sorry that I have so many Wizard101 bosses in this. If this can't be a mount, then maybe a pet, npc, or companion.)

Pirate Overlord
Mar 16, 2012
This is a two person mount idea which came from the post: "Riddle Challenge".
A wheelbarrow
You are the "driver" and your friend is the "passenger".
Idle animation - you tip them out of the barrow, but they climb back in.

Gunner's Mate
Feb 26, 2013