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Is it Op?: Terror-Cotta troupe

Feb 02, 2013
This has been complained about a lot, but it is just annoying or is it truly overpowered? Time to find out.

Is it a signature power? No, this is farmed from Moo Manchu and is labeled as Moo's Robe. Anyone can access this piece of gear.

Does each class have at least one counter (Excluding farmed gear/pets)
Between an Overwatch team, multi attacks, and traps, you can take care of most/all of them (even 2nd/3rd turn)
AoEs and they have tons of powers so it does not affect too greatly.
can power through the charge with accuracy buffs and with gunnery/a repel team you can take care of most/all of them.
Black fog right before they charge and you can stall the troupe.
For s this power is truly evil. It prevents charging(one of signature traits) and reduces them as well. While only one charge stacks at a time, this power is devastating for s. Sadly, I was on the receiving end of this, so I know first hand that matches are basically over for s when these come out.

Does it have a drawback? No.

Farmed gear/pets do not count towards my decision because if it is not Op, we shouldn't ahve to farm in order to counter one specific power

Looking at this, Terror Cotta are rather over-hyped, however this power makes it impossible for s to do their job. Since most do have counters to it, I cannot say this is Overpowered on its own, but it does need to be fixed to that it is not impossible for s to do ranked PvP.

Fix # 1: Make it one stronger Terror-cotta. This way it is still intimidating, but not preventing s from doing anything. Probably 2/3 health of a normal Terror-cotta, and deals about 40% of the regular damage of one. Everything else stays the same.
Fix # 2: Get rid of Hold the Line 3 on them. This is what is the problem for s, so getting rid of them will make it so s can at least charge first.

Now there has been a confirmation on a nerf for Terror-cotta troupe, however I have no idea of what this nerf will be or if it already got nerfed. I would like to know what this nerf is so that hopefully it will not be broken for s. If there is not a specific nerf/fix, hopefully my ideas will help :)

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