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my personal problem

Feb 02, 2013

Are easy for me(except you harry, curse you!) bucks have actually been my problem 3 of my 6 losses have been to bucks, with such a small map i cant guard against a first round highlands properly, i can fort myself but then my companions are left defenseless to the charge with a loss of 2 companions immediately or all 3 rendered useless for 5 rounds due to the reduces, i cant exactly call it op since those 3 have unfortunately been 2 top bucks and lesser bucks just flop when they try to execute such a maneuver on me. Also i noticed the privateer staff takes damage reduction based on resist, i learned this in a 1v2 royale vs 2 witches with over 120 resist, my hidden assassin did a mere 1000 damage to an unshielded foe, i defeated both companions, one witch, and got the other to 200 health but somehow she got a full chain through elusive with 100(roughly) accuracy.......... It is good to see armor and resist finally playing a part in pvp but is the staff being reduced by resist while dealing physical damage because its will based?

Glad to know you are doing a little better in ranked than some of your initial posts indicated. Hang in there, keep working through your strategies as the game exists now, but be assured there's good stuff coming for the privateers to bump your effectiveness a bit more.

I also want to say that I share your frustration on the size of the battleboards and I've asked to bring them back up to proper size. (That will take some time.)

To answer your question, the Staff of Power always deals magical damage (so it is reduced by Resist, not Armor), and it is boosted by whatever your primary stat is-- Strength for BUC, Agility for SWB and MSK, and Will for PRV and WD.

Feb 02, 2013
Ratbeard on Aug 17, 2015 wrote:
Glad to know you are doing a little better in ranked than some of your initial posts indicated. Hang in there, keep working through your strategies as the game exists now, but be assured there's good stuff coming for the privateers to bump your effectiveness a bit more.

I also want to say that I share your frustration on the size of the battleboards and I've asked to bring them back up to proper size. (That will take some time.)

To answer your question, the Staff of Power always deals magical damage (so it is reduced by Resist, not Armor), and it is boosted by whatever your primary stat is-- Strength for BUC, Agility for SWB and MSK, and Will for PRV and WD.
I have noticed that when a melee weapon deals magical damage(Blades of shade, Staff of power, etc) for the Charge line it deals physical damage instead of magical damage(I saw it deal magical for the Assassin's line, so it makes it even weirder). I assume that this is a bug then?