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world houses

Gunner's Mate
Jun 15, 2009
hey every one thank you for reading this because im personally excited about this thread! one day I was thinking " why does wiz have houses from different worlds but this game does not? " so than I realized I could come up with a few and you could too ( ha ha that rhymes ) so here it is: make up as many houses as you can from different worlds. here is mine:
Subata Springs from mooshu
the out side is my favorite. it is a field of hot springs that you can walk into ( I just love hot springs ) and maybe a geyser or 2. there is snow on the ground and there is a beautiful snowy mountain in the background and steam is rising up from the springs. there is a wooden pagoda style cabin at the end of the front yard . in side there are a couple small rooms and a steaming water fall is the back but the possibility's of decorating are endless.
On a more personal note I would love to hear from a moderator about what they think about my idea and if they ever would do something like this or have hot springs that you can walk in SOMEWHERE IN THE GAME I really need to have a hot spring any where in this game.
so there you have it folks get out there and start creating those homes and if your creative juices aren't flowing check out other peoples ideas and comment on them or see if you would buy them if they were in this amazing game. I know I would by any thing that said hot springs

Mar 09, 2011
Griffen Deverux on Aug 7, 2013 wrote:
hey every one thank you for reading this because im personally excited about this thread! one day I was thinking " why does wiz have houses from different worlds but this game does not? " so than I realized I could come up with a few and you could too ( ha ha that rhymes ) so here it is: make up as many houses as you can from different worlds. here is mine:
Subata Springs from mooshu
the out side is my favorite. it is a field of hot springs that you can walk into ( I just love hot springs ) and maybe a geyser or 2. there is snow on the ground and there is a beautiful snowy mountain in the background and steam is rising up from the springs. there is a wooden pagoda style cabin at the end of the front yard . in side there are a couple small rooms and a steaming water fall is the back but the possibility's of decorating are endless.
On a more personal note I would love to hear from a moderator about what they think about my idea and if they ever would do something like this or have hot springs that you can walk in SOMEWHERE IN THE GAME I really need to have a hot spring any where in this game.
so there you have it folks get out there and start creating those homes and if your creative juices aren't flowing check out other peoples ideas and comment on them or see if you would buy them if they were in this amazing game. I know I would by any thing that said hot springs