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Loyal Pets

Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2014
I was just wondering, how do you get the skill loyal for a pet? I am asking this because none of my pets are loyal and I have seen a few pets that have the skill loyal.

Petty Officer
Nov 05, 2011
It is a pet talent just like extra agility, naturally agile, extra guile, etc.

It has three different levels.

Go to the links below to get to the wiki pages on the talent.

Jun 02, 2013
It comes for some pets eventually through levelling them up

Apr 09, 2014
There is Loyal that you can get as an unlock on your pet.
But there is also the other Loyal.
That one only would appear on first generation pets that were converted from The Old style pets to the New and Improved pets we put out last year.

But they do not pass on that type of Loyal when morphed.

Does that muddy the waters for you?