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regarding the possible storm lizard

Jan 22, 2013
as we know there is likely a storm lizard, the obvious other pet would be a storm tiger shark. but i was thinking after countless tries, what if its not one? then what could it be? then it hit me, it was a robot. i have good reasons to
1 most if not all robots are from mb (snack love) and as we know mb is in the industrial age. and we know that age they used electricity, just what we need for a storm lizard
2 all the robot pets seem to run on electricity
3 the three lizards seem to be going of the w101 elemental schools. and storm school did develop allot of technology and of course ran on electricity.
4 the stormtiger already has allot of hybrids so perhaps its time for a new pet
5 stormtiger seems a bit to obvious don't you think? i mean ki is not known for being this obvious, especially with pets *cough* Decius *cough*
i'm sure you can think of more but why not try it? as the old saying goes "only a fool expects a different result after trying and trying again"