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Of pet value and other things!

Mar 23, 2012
Hello, I have a couple of questions.

1) May I ask what is the reasoning behind the value of pets at the free trader? I went to sell an Imperial Lion hatchling, and it was worth $1500. However, my Adult Bullrog is only worth $1. Considering how difficult it is to get a Bullrog as opposed to an Imperial Lion (Hybrid vs Quest Guarantee), shouldn't it be the other way around?

2) So I've formulated a theory. If the Bullrog is a hybrid of a Fire Toad and a Mini-Minotaur, and the Skyrime Minotaur is a hybrid of a Mini and a Frostbiter, then does that mean that there is an electric hybrid of the mini-minotaur? To see if this is the case, I'm currently raising a Stormtiger Shark to adult so I can see if such a hybrid exists. If it turns out that this is the case, then theoretically there could also be a corrupted minotaur pet as well as an undead variety waiting to be hatched into existence.

My question: Has any one else tried hatching a Stormtiger Shark and a Mini-Minotaur?

Thanks for your time.