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New Hybrid: Tiger Shark (Black and Blue)

Oct 11, 2012
I got on today, and I decided to morph with my friend's Buccaneer Apex Shark. We were like, "Whats up with that egg?????". I had morphed it with my Black Tiger and it created a Tiger Shark. Its egg was one no-one had seen before, it's different than the one on wiki. It has a black bottom on the egg instead of a blue one. When it hatched, it's stripes were black! I guess its like the Blue Ostrich, its a darker version of the Tiger Shark. If you have seen any new hybrids, please post them below!!! (i.e. Redrrum)


Nov 23, 2011
Received the same egg and shark by morphing a dimetrosaur with the witchdoctor apex shark. I suspect it is like the Skarakeet from the Boochbeard bundle: it cannot reproduce itself, so when you morph with it what you receive is the Skull Island Macaw. I think this varient egg Stormtiger is the equivalent of the SIM. In my case, the actual shark looks like the standard storm tiger shark - only the egg was different.
