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Question about random pet appearing in battle.

Jan 02, 2015
The pet I have equipped shows up just about every battle which is great. However sometimes when I'm halfway through a fight a random Ram-a-Lam shows up as well. I do have one in my backpack but it's not the same one. (Different name/Level)

Is there a reason why it shows up? I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth here.. I love that it does.. I just want to know why.

Jul 16, 2014

Are you using the companion Atohr? He has a summon of a Ram-a-Lam as an ability.

*Bonnie Anne, Your Pirate101 Community Manager*
Apr 09, 2014
I was about to ask the same thing. If you have certain companions they can summon their own pets. Its really cool.

Jan 02, 2015
I do Indeed have Atohr as a companion. Thank you for the speedy answer, and I'm glad to know I wasn't just going crazy and making this up in my head. xD